21 August, the Grant Contract was signed between the Lead Partner of the ER58 "Best Nest" project and the Managing Authority of the Russia-Estonia Cross-Border Cooperation Program for the period 2014-2020 years.
ER project 58 "Support for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of handicrafts in Pskov and Vyru" is aimed at supporting beginners and existing entrepreneurs, who make high quality products, drawing on local culture and traditions, development of a network of business contacts between entrepreneurs from Pskov and Vyru.
Pskov State University is a partner of this project. The staff of the design department, together with the students, will develop the Pskov Brandbook, which will be used in the implementation of the business ideas of the masters and artisans of the city. The project is designed for 2 -.
Cross-border cooperation program "Russia-Estonia" for the period 2014-2020 years is aimed at developing cross-border cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia in order to promote socio-economic development in regions on both sides of common borders.