Notarization, legalization and recognition of education certificates - Pskov State University

Notarization, legalization and recognition of education certificates

The education documents, provided by the applicant to the Admissions Committee:

  • must have a notarized translation into Russian
  • should be legalized if necessary
  • should have a certificate of recognition if necessary (nostrification )

Notarized translation

When applying to the university, you should provide a certified notarized translation into Russian of your document on education (including applications ) and of your passport. Scanned copies of these documents and their translation must be sent to the Admission Committee for further admission to the University's entrance exams. You can make a notarized translation at the consulate or embassy of the Russian Federation in your country.


So, that documents on education are accepted for recognition, legalization of these documents is necessary. Russia has concluded international agreements on the mutual recognition of educational documents with some countries. In some cases, contracts exempt documents from legalization for their recognition, in other cases - cancel the need for recognition in general.

Legalization - confirmation of the authenticity of educational documents. This document provides the holder of a foreign education with the right to continue studies at educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

There is no need to go through the process of legalization of a document on education, if a bilateral agreement is signed between the country of issue of the document and the Russian Federation, canceling the requirement of legalization and your document falls under its effect. A complete list of countries can be found. on the site or be checked with the Russian Embassy in your country. If the legalization procedure is not necessary, then it is enough to present the original document and its notarized translation to the Admissions Committee of Pskov State University.

The legalization procedure is carried out:

In the country where the document on education was issued (your country)
At the consulate of the state, whose university issued a diploma
(if legalization occurs on the territory of the Russian Federation)

The type of legalization depends on, whether your country signed the Hague Convention and in which international treaties is it a party to.

    There are several ways to legalize education certificates.:
  • Regular - i.e. (Consular) legalization. In this case, the Russian consulate abroad legalizes the document . Such legalization will be valid only in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Simplified legalization (apostille). If your country has acceded to the Hague Convention of 1961 -, then after apostilling the document it will be considered valid in more than 100 states which are parties to this convention, including Russia.

In addition to the mandatory legalization, applicants from many countries will need to go through the procedure for recognizing a document of education.

Recognition of Documents on Education (nostrification)

Nostrification - procedure, which must be passed by any document on education in another country.

The recognition process is to verify the accreditation of the institution, where the diploma or certificate was obtained, as well as verification of the validity of training and the legal grounds for obtaining a document. Academic recognition allows the holder of foreign documents on education to continue education in the Russian Federation in an educational institution of the appropriate level.

Recognition procedure is not necessary for foreign citizens, with countries of which the Russian Federation has signed international agreements on cooperation in the field of education. List of these countries can be found here. You can also check the need for recognition of your document on education online at Main State Centre for Education Evaluation website.

Procedure for recognition of documents on education, received in a foreign country, is carried out only in Main State Centre for Education in the Russian Federation. The procedure for establishing the equivalence of documents on education of foreign states includes an examination, decision-making, execution and issuance of certificate of equivalence.

You can find a list of documents for nostrification on the Main State Centre for Education website. The materials and documents used for recognition are provided with a notarized translation into Russian. To enter Pskov State University you must provide a certificate of recognition in electronic form.